Research Fellowship 2023
Research Fellowship 2023
The Research Fellowship aims to provide opportunities for reputable researchers in the world to visit and collaborate with the staff in Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (UIN Jakarta). The program seeks to promote academic exchange and research collaboration between the visiting researcher and the university's faculty staff and students. The program is significant as it enables the university to tap into the expertise of distinguished scholars from different parts of the world. It also allows for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, which can enhance the quality of teaching and research at the university. Furthermore, the program promotes intercultural understanding and fosters global academic partnerships, which can lead to future collaborations and opportunities for the both universities or center. Overall, the RESFEL is an important initiative that can benefit the academic community at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University and beyond. What We Cover This program is intended to facilitate visiting researchers from world class universities or research centers in developing their ideas and concepts through a visit to UIN Jakarta for at least a month. The total funding provided by this program is IDR 100,000,000 (approximately $6,600 with 1 USD = 15,352 IDR) per person to cover international airfare from home country to Jakarta, pre and post departure activities, living stipend, accommodation, local transportation, health and travel insurance, visa. It is important to note that the accepted visiting researchers must be financially self-supporting initially. Airfare and ground transportation tickets, visa, and travel insurance costs will be reimbursed by UIN Jakarta two weeks after the arrival of the visiting researchers. The grant will be sent in two terms (70% and 30%). Information regarding visa for entry Indonesia, please refer to this link below:
  1. ENTERING INDONESIA (updated on 19 October 2022):
  2. Visa on Arrival:
Eligibility and Required Documents
  1. The candidate must be a researcher from international university or research center
  2. Provide proof of email correspondence or a letter of support from UIN Jakarta staff stating their willingness to receive the applicant to carry out activities related to this program at the intended faculty or center
  3. Provide a letter of recommendation from the Dean of the Faculty or Head of Center in UIN Jakarta stating that the applicant is qualified researcher to excel the faculty or center activities
  4. Letter of Statement from home institution
  5. Latest academic CV
  6. Research proposal and activities plan (max. 1,500 words)
  7. Passport
  8. Possess active Arabic/English/French language skills, both orally and in writing
Submission Procedure 
  1. The prospective participant must fill out the RESFEL registration form (click here).
  2. All required documents should be sent to
  3. The LP2M UIN Jakarta team evaluates the participant's registration documents. Incomplete documents will not be reviewed for further selection by the LP2M-appointed Review Board.
  4. The Review Board reads all application documents that meet the requirements and scores each prospective participant based on the criteria set.
  5. After the Review Board submits the results of the application document assessment and recommends the names of successful candidates, the UIN Jakarta Rector determines the program participants' eligibility.
  6. The LP2M UIN Jakarta announces the names of the RESFEL program for 2023 who passed the selection and sends an invitation letter to the selected participants. 
  1. Providing guess lecture at UIN Jakarta
  2. Writing research article to be published in international peer reviewed journal
  3. Conducting joint research with UIN Jakarta staff
  4. Coaching UIN Jakarta staff to write academic publications
  5. Reporting visiting research fellowship activities and achievements
Fellowship Terms 
  1. Visiting fellow need to ensure their affiliation as UIN Jakarta is correctly listed in their publication and activities
  2. The entire process of participant departure is the responsibility of each individual participant, which includes: - Preparing visa and itinerary tickets; - Preparing the activities/work program that each participant will do when arriving and working with partner units at UIN Jakarta; - Other regulations outside those already established but not conflicting with those set by UIN Jakarta.
No. Date Activities
1 April 1st - June 30rd : Application submission
2 July 14th : Announcement of selected applicants
3 August-October : Imp (applicants may choose preferred date/month)
4 November 15th : Deadline for submission of academic and administrative reports