BRIN Socializes Scientific Communication to Support Research Ecosystem in Indonesia
Jakarta, June 25, 2024, UIN Online News - The Research and Community Service Institute (LP2M) of UIN Jakarta in collaboration with the Directorate of Repository, Multimedia, and Scientific Publishing of BRIN successfully organized a scientific communication socialization event with the theme “Scientific Communication at the Directorate of Repository, Multimedia, and Scientific Publishing to Support the Research Ecosystem in Indonesia.” The event, held online via Zoom Meeting, took place from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM WIB.

The event was opened with remarks by the Chair of LP2M UIN Jakarta, Prof. Amelia Fauzia, Ph.D., who emphasized the importance of scientific communication in strengthening Indonesia’s research ecosystem. In her speech, Prof. Amelia stressed that scientific communication is a fundamental pillar in the development of science, enabling research findings to be accessed, understood, and utilized by the broader community and the global scientific community.
"Through this activity, we hope that lecturers, researchers, and students will gain better insights and skills in managing and communicating their research findings. This not only enhances the visibility and impact of our scientific works but also contributes to the improvement of research quality and innovation in Indonesia," said the Chair of LPPM UIN Jakarta, Prof. Amelia Fauzia, Ph.D., on Tuesday (June 25, 2024).

The event featured presentations from representatives of the Directorate of Repository, Multimedia, and Scientific Publishing BRIN, who explained various important aspects of scientific communication, including writing and publishing scientific articles, managing research data, and using digital platforms to disseminate research findings. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to discuss and ask direct questions to the speakers, creating a dynamic and informative interaction.
One of the participants expressed that the activity was highly beneficial and provided much new knowledge about effective ways to communicate research findings. "This activity is very relevant to our needs as academics. We now understand better how to effectively publish research results and utilize existing digital platforms," they said.
This socialization activity is expected to be an initial step in enhancing the quality and quantity of research and scientific publication within the UIN Jakarta environment. With strong support and collaboration between BRIN and UIN Jakarta, it is hoped to create a stronger and more competitive research ecosystem at the national and international levels.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks from the organizing committee to all participants and speakers who actively participated in the activity. It is hoped that this collaboration will continue and contribute positively to the advancement of research and education in Indonesia.